Sun Valley Bronze is proud to be included throughout this beautiful project by Walker Warner Architects & Philpotts Interiors — featured in Interior Design Homes 2019.
Photography by Matthew Millman.
“Principal Greg Warner of Walker Warner Architects and Philpotts Interiors partner Marion Philpotts-Miller approached the project in a thoughtful and methodical manner. “We call it the 'Village,'” Warner says of the unusual arrangement, a grouping of four separate structures linked by a lush courtyard and a series of walkways and patios. Indeed, traditional Hawaiian villages, typically organized in loose clusters, inspired both the site plan and the daring architectural style, an angular composition of canted steel columns, steep-pitched roofs, and rhomboidal window and door openings. “The structures represent a contemporary interpretation of early hale shelters,” Warner says. “They’re like modernist lean-tos.”
“By design, there’s very little barrier between indoors and out. Sapele-framed sliders glide open to the elements, and operable windows swivel to coax in the breeze and encourage cross ventilation. “The living room unfurls to become porchlike,” Warner adds, noting the continuity of floor and ceiling materials between interiors and adjacent alfresco spaces.”
View the full Feature at Interior Design >
““Sun Valley Bronze door, window and cabinet hardware is of the highest quality and helps us achieve our goals of inspired living and timeless design.””
Walker Warner Architects